Elan Gentry 


Aug 26, 2021
- Aug 26, 2021

at The Living Room, East Hampton

12:00 AM - 5:00 PM

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The Living Room is pleased to present Crystallography, a collection of crystals specially curated by Elan Gentry.
Birthed from a lemurian vortex in Arkansas, this exhibition is a transmission from the Crystals themselves. Through Living Ceremony, Elan anoints groups into the multidimensional fabric of Holographic inner space, rehydrating temple codes of the Sacred into the fractals of everyday life.

Elan Gentry serves as a holographic artist who activates social permaculture with an ear tuned to the plant and mineral voices. The essence of her work embodies the protection of all that is Sacred, all that is magical, all that is living within and outside of us. She is also an advisor to the Calder Foundation and Kaiaulu, weaving the feminine spiral through land acknowledgment, ethnobotanical education, and social ceremony.